What's On?
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Ever thought about being a Sabb??
Nominations to become a Sabbatical Officer open Friday 5th Feb, and close on 22nd Feb. Campaigning will then start on Friday 5th March, and voting opens Monday 15th March - Friday 19th March.
Results will be on the 20th - Very Exciting!!
Even if you don't fancy running, then consider being part of a campaign team - it is great fun and you will even learn some new skills along the way! Most importantly though, is exercising your right to vote - it's very simple through the my.bham portal, and means you have a say as to who will represent you.
I remember last year I asked my predecessor what an average day was like, his response was that everyday was different and it's pretty impossible to give an example of what you may do day to day. This couldn't be more true, but I have put together a handout of five days from last term and this term, which outline what I have done hour to hour. I don't expect to have another day identical to one of these, and neither will you, but it gives an idea of the sort of thing you may be expected to do as a Sabbatical Officer.
Day 1
9:30-11:00 Student Development Team Meeting
These happen weekly, and I attend as many as possible. They are a great way to catch up with the staff, and update on issues or upcoming campaigns.
11:00-14:00 CV Skills workshop preparation
This included finishing any handouts and organising work booklets, as well as completing the presentation. I also emailed/facebooked groups to remind them of the workshop.
14:00-15:00 Santa Fun Run
I was asked by Carnival RAG to start the Acorn Santa Fun Run on campus which raises money for a local children’s charity. As well as talking to participating students and the organisers, I caught up with Redbrick.
15:00-15:30 Room Bookings meeting
I met with the Room Bookings coordinator to discuss student group issues and how to move forward.
15:30-18:00 Deliver CV Skills workshop with Careers
18:00-19:00 Guild Officer Group
This involves all full time and part time Sabbatical Officers, and meets to discuss recommendations for Guild Council motions. This meets roughly once every 3 weeks, the week before Guild Council.
19:00-19:30 Proof-read Redbrick
Fabian and I head down to the Redbrick office every Wednesday to discuss the articles with the team. As a Trustee of the Guild of Students, we have a legal, financial and reputational responsibility to the organisation. Along with the editor, we have received Media Law training.
19:30-22:30 Pakistani Cultural Society Charity Dinner Dance
Fabian and I were invited to the Pakistani Cultural Society event as guests. It was fantastic to see such a successful and lively student group event.
Day 2
09:30-11:30 Housekeeping, Emails and Blogging
Following a two day residential course with the Guild, there was a lot of housekeeping and emails to see to. An action plan and list of priorities was needed. I also took the time to blog, which Sabbs are mandated to do once a month, although we all try to blog more often than this.
11:30-12:00 Volunteer Recognition
A staff member drops in to discuss volunteer certificates and branding.
12:00-14:00 Sabbatical Officer Group and Team 10
Weekly meetings which allow the officer group to catch up with each other, and discuss papers put forward by the team (for information or seeking support). The distribution of the Sabbatical campaigns pot is also discussed here. Senior Management join the team for the second part of the meeting.
14:00-15:00 Health and Safety Committee
This committee meets monthly, and discusses/approves items such as incident procedure and appeals, health and safety investigations or training, and updates on incidents/accidents and other relevant matters.
15:00-16:00 Discussion of Student Group constitutions
As part of the democratic structure review, Student Development staff and I meet to discuss the student group constitution. We actioned for the constitution to be updated by staff.
16:00-18:30 Know Your Guild
As Sabb lead, there are a number of tasks that need doing or following up with staff, such as promotion, Facebook events, Sabb roles during the campaign, press releases, organising lecture shout outs and kiosks.
Day 3
Sabbatical and Management Away Day
Agenda items include: Blue Sky thinking (long term strategy and use of Guild building), review of Officer Campaigns, Democratic Structure Review and Market Research presentation and discussion.
19:00-22:00 GMTG Sweeney Todd production
Day 4
10:00-11:30 Degree Congregations
Sabbaticals are asked to attend the degree congregations as part of the procession, Summer and Winter term.
11:30-12:00 Emails and housekeeping
Emails include: Alumni Office funding and sponsorship, the Student Disability Group at the University and the Disabled Students Association ,student group megaforum minutes and feedback, University request for volunteering statistics, and the Birmingham newspaper interested in speaking to the Womens Association.
12:00-14:00 Student Group Committee
This committee recognises and derecognises student groups, and talks to groups which have major issues, such as financial, or would like to amend their constitution. This also allocates the rolling grant to student groups. The VPSAD chairs this committee.
14:00-15:30 University community open day meeting and proposal
As the Sabb lead, I went to the initial meeting at the University about the reason behind putting on a community open day, and to see how the Guild of Students could be involved in this opportunity to showcase student groups and Guild community activities. Following the meeting, I wrote a proposal to put to Sabbatical Officer Group to determine how the Guild may be involved.
15:30-16:00 Proposal for Society Spotlight online
Following on from the GOS in Print society spotlight, I put together a proposal for a more frequent online version, which will allow groups a platform to promote themselves on the Guild of Students website in detail.
16:00-18:00 End of Term One Report and Blogging
One of the Sabbs created an end of term report, which I though was a fantastic way to report to groups what I have been doing since being elected in office. I blogged the report, which Sabbs are mandated to do monthly.
18:00-20:00 Guild Council
This takes place once every three weeks, and Sabbatical Officers are held to account and are able to make communications to Guild Councillors.
Day 5
10:00-11:30 Officer Training and Development Meeting
This meeting discusses officer training and handover for incoming full time and part time officers and also training for officers throughout the year. This meets monthly-fortnightly.
11:30-12:30 Chief Exec/VPSAD 121
An opportunity for VPSAD to catch up with the CEO, move forward with very high-level or strategic issues that may effect the organisation as a whole/Guild Constitution, and discuss any issues work issues.
12:30-14:30 Prioritising work, housekeeping, organising and preparing
Things can get very busy, very quickly, with new priorities appearing out the blue. It is very important to be organised, and know where things are in the office as ‘organised chaos’ can only last so long… This time gets easily interrupted with new emails, cheque signing/signatures required and phone calls. During this time, the two non-sabbs I mentor drop in to catch up, arrange meetings and run through their ideas for the term.
14:30-15:30 Potential Officer candidate chat
Thinking long-term in the Guild is crucial, which includes encouraging and supporting potential candidates in the upcoming officer elections. We chat through some questions the individual has, manifesto points and run through work that may need to be continued in the future.
15:30-16:00 Student Development Staff chat
A staff member drops into the office to talk about the Get Involved fair promotion, various society issues, and progress made on various projects.
17:00-17:30 Emails and Facebook messages
An idea of what a VPSAD may see in their email inbox: Emails from Campus Police, sponsorship contracts from societies, University Events team regarding an upcoming event, Get Involved promotional material from Marketing department, Guild Award meeting requests, and emails from Sabbaticals. I set up various meetings, such as community open day working group and officer handover with a staff lead. I email about end of term reports, organise sabbs on kiosks for Know Your Guild.
17:30-19:00 Handover preparation
To make a handover plan and write up these day diaries! A Sabb also drops in to catch up and share ideas.
If you have any questions, leave me a comment, email me at vpsad@guild.bham.ac.uk or pop into see me in my office (2nd Floor, above Spar and Guild Council Chambers)
If you are considering running for my position, or would just like to know a little more about what I have been doing for you, then read my End of Term One Report in my earlier blog.
Monday, 11 January 2010
It's YOUR Guild, so get to know it!
No matter where you are in your University career, take the opportunity to get to know your Students’ Union better this term. Getting to know your Guild can improve your employability, help you meet like-minded new friends, persue your interests and have fun!
The Guild of Students exists to enhance your student experience in a variety of ways. The most important way is by campaigning to defend your rights. For example, we recently organised a ‘flashmob’ of students who gathered on campus against the potential increase in fees, following the Government’s announcement of a review of the tuition fee system. We’ve also previously successfully campaigned on reducing printing credit costs and hall fees. The Guild can campaign on issues related to your student experience, from your course, halls of residence, library, sports facilities, cost of living etc.
We’re also here to support you. Did you know that Student Reps, Student Mentors and Resident’s Associations all originate from the Guild? Through our student groups, societies and taking part in volunteering, we can also help you get together with people that have similar interests, develop your skills and enhance your CV. Our Job Zone can help you find part-time and vacation work, and our Advice & Representation Centre (ARC) is here to support you on issues ranging from academic queries to finance.
We’ve just opened SHAC, a letting agency just for students to help you find that perfect house. And of course, you can enjoy a great night out with our regular events such as Fab ‘n’ Fresh, ‘I Love Risa’ and ‘Loaded’ at Gatecrasher. We even offer a free Nightbus service to get you home safely.
Find out about securing part-time work, CV & Interview workshops, volunteering, joining a student group, getting involved in elections, our photography competition and much more – now is the time to get to Know Your Guild.
For more information, view the website and download our Know Your Guild brochure: www.guildofstudents.com
Or visit the University of Birmingham Guild of Students Facebook group
Here’s a list of events taking place as part of the Know Your Guild campaign:
Get Involved Fair
Monday 25 January, 11am – 4pm, Guild of Students
Your chance to come and find out about societies, student groups and volunteering projects – it’s never too late to join a student group!
Get Involved Taster Sessions (26th January – 12th February)
Students groups are running taster sessions and introductory meetings, so you can find out more about what they do.
See events calendar on Guild website for details.
National Student Volunteering Week (22nd – 28th February)
A variety of events are taking place over this week to promote over 200 different volunteering opportunities to get involved in, to suit your interests, passions and timetable.
Healthy Living Cooking Showcases
Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th January from 6pm at Shackleton, The Vale.
For a healthy start to 2010, learn how to cook, win prizes and strive for healthy living.
Work Experience Fair
3 February (11am – 3.30pm), Great Hall, Aston Webb
For information on placements, internships, volunteering, part-time work and vacation jobs
CV & Interview workshops:
Where to start with your CV for part-time work
Wednesday 20th January, 1-2pm, Rosa Parks Room, Guild of Students
Completing application forms for part-time work
Wednesday 27th January, 1-2pm, Mandela Room, Guild of Students
How to succeed in your interview for part-time work
Tuesday 23rd February, 12.30 – 2pm, Rosa Parks Room, Guild of Students
Where to start with your CV for part-time work
Wednesday 24th February – 1-2pm, Rosa Parks Room, Guild of Students
Selly Oak photography competition
Submit any photographs which represent ‘I Love Selly Oak’ to you. E-mail entries to community@guild.bham.ac.uk or via post to Community Warden Scheme, University of Birmingham Guild of Students, Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TU.
S.H.A.G Week
8th – 13th February
Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance (S.H.A.G Week) events will raise awareness of sexual health, promote safe sex and ensure that students know how to easily access help and advice.
Guild Awards (date tbc)
An evening to celebrate and recognise the contributions students make to the Guild of Students, University and local community.
Look out for further details on the Guild Officer Group elections.