What's On?

Make sure you check out the What's On? calendar at the bottom of my blog for upcoming student group and Guild events!!

Friday, 26 February 2010

Get Involved Fair roundup and Employability and Development

Get Involved Fair:

702 people came through the doors, nearly 200 more than last year.

53 students became members of societies on the day, 465 expressing an interest and giving email addresses for further information.

Get Involved Taster Sessions:

1192 non-members attended society taster sessions/workshops

83 students became members of societies on the day of their taster session, a further 62 students became members in the following two weeks after the taster session.

Overall I think the Get Invovled Campaign was great, it was another opportunity for groups to recruit members to those who may have not got involved at Welcome Week, which is what we are here to help you do. On the whole, feedback suggests groups did not feel it was well advertised outside of the Guild. This is something I am very conscious of (advertising to the converted), so I worked really hard to get the message outside of the Guild. Here’s a quick run-through on what was done to promote the Get Involved Fair and taster workshops:

Know Your Guild booklet – a full two page spread of all the Get Involved taster workshops that we were given information on. This went out to every halls of residence with the Mentors (thank you mentors!) and were also distributed on campus for a week by the Sabbatical team (thank you Sabbs!).

Redbrick – a Know Your Guild pull out included a full page Get Involved Fair advertisement, and two page spread of Get Involved workshops. Redbricks are available from various outlets across campus, and are also delivered to halls of residence and Selly Oak.

Lecture Shout outs – The Sabbaticals did lecture shoutouts and presentations about Know Your Guild and the Get Involved Fair in the week running up to the event

Posters – posters were put up in departments, the Guild, and at halls of residence.

My.Bham portal – Get Involved was advertised on the main my.bham portal in the week running up to the fair

Guild E-Newsletter – the Guild e-newsletter that goes out to all students included the Get Involved Fair.

Facebook – A Get Involved campaign Facebook event was created from the Guild of Students Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=18490018344&ref=ts).

University electronic display boards – We advertised the Fair on the board around campus

Guild of Students Website – The fair was a prominent feature on the website, and the individual taster sessions were also advertised for each society.

I'd be really keen to hear any more feedback, so please do get in touch with any suggestions for next year :)

Development and Employability

‘Dinner with a Dozen’ or ‘Dinner with 10 strangers’ (based on numbers) is an idea that has come from the USA and enables students, alumni and staff to share different experiences of University life with one another. The format of the evening will, usually, be a dinner for 10-12 guests with no set agenda but may have a theme for conversation. The value in the dinner is encouraging open conversation between groups who wouldn’t usually have the opportunity to meet with one another and to share stories which will add value to the student experience. The dinner also offers alumni an added opportunity to interact with current students of their University.

I felt my role was two fold: an alumna of the University of Birmingham, and also as a Sabbatical who promotes personal and professional development through extra-curricula activities or part-time work. It was an excellent event, and I really hope the students found some benefit from it.

The key things that I felt were important to highlight were:

· What makes the University of Birmingham different to all the other Universities? For me, it is the wealth of opportunities that are available to students here. From part time work, student ambassadors, volunteering, societies, sports, wardens, mentors, workshops, student reps and much, much more –this University is fantastic. The opportunities are there on a plate, ready for students to enhance their student experience and personal development.

· Key message: Do something. Anything. We all have interests, so pursue them whilst you have the opportunity to do so. Employers want to know you are interested, in anything, and you demonstrate commitment and passion through pursuing it.

· This is a safe environment to learn. One of the best ways of learning, is through making mistakes and having the self awareness to realise what the mistake was, and how to act/do something differently in the future. Whether in part-time work, or in volunteering, if you never fail or get something wrong, you will never succeed or know you are doing something right.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Guild Awards 2010

Guild Awards 2010 - Sunday 21st March 2010

The Guild Awards are now in their third year and are a fantastic opportunity to celebrate and recognise the contribution students make to the Guild of Students, University and local community.

If you think your contribution should be recognised or know someone you think should be rewarded, nominate an individual or group for an award. The awards this year are:

• Most Improved Group
Recognises a strong and pro-active committee that demonstrate their commitment to increasing and diversifying their membership and effectively promoting their group and its activities.

• Best Event
Recognises an original, innovative or creative student group event which successfully achieves the groups’ aims and objectives.

• Community Impact/Achievement
For an individual or group who has made an outstanding contribution via the local, national or international community through a project, event or relationship.

• Outstanding Contribution
For an individual who has made an outstanding commitment and contribution to the University of Birmingham or Guild of Students, by considering new initiatives or innovative ways of working to improve student life.

• Outstanding Society
For a society who have made a significant impact to the Guild of Students and its members.

• Outstanding Resident’s Association
For a Resident’s Association who have made a significant impact on its members through increased engagement, innovative events, campaigns and community action.

• Outstanding Volunteering Project
For a Volunteering Project who have made a significant impact to the Guild of Students and its’ members, in addition to the wider community.

• Outstanding Student Rep
(Sponsored by the Academic & Quality Unit)
For a pro-active Student Rep who has made significant improvements for students through effective communication, wider engagement and lobbying.

• Outstanding Student Staff member
For a Student Staff member who has shown dedication to improving services for students, by excelling in their role and supporting and motivating others.

The closing date for all nominations is Friday 19th February 2010. Please download a nominations form from the Guild Awards website: www.guildofstudents.com/guildawards. At least three photos must be submitted with each application, either by email or on a memory stick or disc. You can either email nomination forms and supporting items to studentgroups@guild.bham.ac.uk or hand in copies at the Student Development counter.

The theme is Rainbow Formal/Black Tie.
Tickets will be on sale soon, and are just £10. This includes a meal and entry to an after party at the Guild. Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing you there!

I hope that you’re keen to get involved with the Guild Awards and good luck with your nominations! Please email vpsad@guild.bham.ac.uk or studentgroups@guild.bham.ac.uk if you have any questions.

Best of luck,

Emma Packham
(Vice President Student Activities and Development)